Friday, December 9, 2011

Lunch Detention...

Well my school just decided out of the blue to do a tardy sweep... I was one of those lucky 10 people to get caught in it. The only reason that it happened is because i got side tracked and went to my 7th hour instead my 6th hour. So there for i got stuck in a room with 10 other kids and a lady shuttling us in and out of the principles office. She finally tells me that i have to go in there... I mossy on in there and he tells me to take a seat. I sit and i immediately start to think how can i get out of this. I finally spot a snow globe that was like no other it was a Dallas Cowboys snow globe. So i asked him "Do you like the Dallas Cowboys?" He said "Yes they are the only ones that i like to watch." I said "I know they really are the only ones!" Then we probably talked about that for like 5 minutes then he got kinda side tracked then he said "I hope you know your not going to get out of this." I said "I know..." So then the next day i had to go up stairs in our school and eat my lunch... Oh ya you cant talk... :/ if you know me that's really hard for me to do! Luckily I had one of my friends up there so i wasn't there all by myself. So it was really quiet and i was eating really loud and it was so funny... I you cant laugh or talk when your up stairs so the lady got mad and moved me... The sad thing is that i had a lot of fun and it was supposed to be a really bad punishment... I felt like it wasn't...

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Meet Facy she is my "face" all week. Say hello :) I think she likes you!
She is taking her annual plunge in Clorox and water how refreshing...
She is my dummy face for CPR in health class the creepy thing is that i bet 10 other kids have had it before me...that's why today she is getting an extra bit of know just to be safe.
I shall call you face and you shall be mine! (inside joke)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The hard nocks of Dylan Buckland...

Well me being me i always have to make things enjoyable because im always with my parents :/ So i have a couple of things that i do to lighten it up the mood... I always start up with a good joke like "I'll have what your having" the sad thing is that im always the only one that laughs... Then I start to sing the song that is on really loud untill my parents get mad... That always lightens up the mood... Then Im normally good for the rest of the nigh....Ahhh my life :)

Classical Joke Tuesday...

Well i have started a new thing at my school... it is called Classical Joke Tuesday. And the sad thing is, is that no one has really caught on... I  know that it while catch on tho because the jokes are just so good! Here are some for you to try out...
  • What did one traffic light say to the other traffic light? Don't look im changing.
  • Why were the teachers eyes crossed? Because she couldn't keep control of her pupils.
  • How do you make a tissue dance? You put a little boogie in it.
Now i know that these are some pretty good jokes. They haven't taken me to Hollywood yet but they will be! There just that good! Wait till next Tuesday they will be better haha!